Welcome...... To my Page...

Hi! So good to have someone looking at my blog even I'm not here all the time.
I made this blog so I could share my experience about everything I had in my live (which I want to share). It's like a diary or a notes of me and about me (in a pictures of course), so.... Have a good time ! ^-^

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Family Tree

Let's talk about My Grandparents

My Grandpa

He is my Grandpa, my papa's father.

His name is Wiyoto and he was a soldier, an Indonesian air force lieutenant.

I don't really know him very much because he died from a heart attack when I was young.

My parent told me some story about me and him when I was a baby.

My Papa is his first son from his second wife, my grand mother, so I can say I am one of the first grand daughter.

My Mama said she was spoiled when she was pregnant me, and a story when she is going to give birth to me, make me feel happy, I had a really great and caring grand father and he loved me.

He drove an old Volkswagen beetle to a hospital for my mom to give birth to me.

When I was a baby, he took me out with the old volkswagen beetle by him self.

Just imagine it, makes me feel happy.

My Grandpa

My Grandpa

I wish my grandfather could see me now having his great grandchildren...

Wish he have a great place beside God in heaven now...


My Grandma

My Grandmother, my papa's mother.

Her name is Rusmi Wiyoto. She was a hair dresser and had the first Hair Salon in Biak Island, a small town on a small island in Papua, Indonesia, where I was born.

She lives in Jakarta now, a very loving and caring grandma.

I'm her first grand daughter.

My grandma has never stop praying for us, her sons, daughter, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

From her 4 Sons and 1 Daughter now she has 9 Grand daughters 4 Grand sons, 2 Great Grandsons (Going to have 2 more grand kids because me an my sister are pregnant now).

I hope she will always healthy and keep active in her golden years...


Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

My First Valentine's Dinner with my husband

14 February 2012, Lupa Lelah Club-Tembagapua,  Mike Love Attiin Shaw <3
Hi! Again.
Here let's see my beautiful (pictures) again... ^-^

As I said, we got married on March 23th 2012. Now, in his pictures we were having our first Valentine's Day Dinner.
Some of you must have question, "How could this be the first? why didn't you have Valentine's Day Dinner while you guys were still dating?"
We first met in December 2011 and dating for a few months and engaged and Married...!
Yes, we were fall in love at the first sight! (coo cweeettt..!) ^-^

I love him, and the feeling keeps getting stronger day by day... <3
(yes, i'm talking about L.O.V.E)
He is a real mature guy, full of responsibilities, he's a good teacher and husband and a great Papa for my son, Zakiy.

Nice Valentine's Day decoration!
Beautiful me... ^-^ took 2 and a half hour to make my curly hair style... -____-'
Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you for seeing my blog!!