Welcome...... To my Page...

Hi! So good to have someone looking at my blog even I'm not here all the time.
I made this blog so I could share my experience about everything I had in my live (which I want to share). It's like a diary or a notes of me and about me (in a pictures of course), so.... Have a good time ! ^-^

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Family Weekend at Tembagapura

Hi !
Now I would like to share my weekend activity at Tembagapura.
We (Me my husband and son) , spent our weekend at a river side at Tembagapura.
It's been our habit to spend our weekend time here...

It's  beautiful river side, with big rocks, green mosses, especially when there is sunny weather...
everything looks natural..

We sometimes walk uphills to the site, and sometimes take a bus there. And we go downhill to go home..
Now, I brought my son to live with me and my husband, an we don't want to stop going uphill for our exercise and spend our weekend there.
So from now on we will bring Zakiy with us to go to the river..

My husband carry Zakiy on his shoulder all the way uphill and downhill. We climb up the rock together too....
It'a fun being together like this.
And we love doing these together...
At a bus stop.
Camp ?

Looking for a lizard

Climb up the rock full of mosses and greens.

Zakiy and the Lizard.

Husband and the lizard.

Me and Zakiy and the lizard. (anxious face)

Now we let the Lizard go free...

They were making a pool at the river.

Look at Zakiy's face ! It's very cold in here...!

See...? I told you it's cold here...

Two baby with their bottles...


Want to join us lunch? ^_^

On he way home

Home now... BQG-41

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